CPS Reads Summer Reading Program Check out Cheraw Primary’s Summer Reading Program where students, faculty and staff all have the opportunity to participate. All you have to do is post a photo of your child or yourself reading on Facebook with the hashtag #cpsreads. All the details are in the attached Word document.
CDEP Little Folks Food Festival The Little Folks Festival hosted at NETC by Chesterfield County First Steps was a big hit for our 4-K CDEP students! They enjoyed the fruits, veggies, centers and the magic show by Fish the Magish.
End of School Calendar The end of the school year is drawing near. Please take note of updates on the attached calendar for the last week of school.
Spring Break is Just Around the Corner! Chesterfield County School District will observe Spring Break on Monday, April 2 through Friday, April 6, 2018.
Spring Pictures Spring pictures will be taken on Thursday, March 8th by Lifetouch. Students have received flyers with package information and pricing in their weekly folders.
Employees of the Month Announced Mr. Butch Ashe and Ms. Jennifer O'Neal were selected by colleagues as Cheraw Primary School's Employees of the Month for February.
Harrington Selected as Student of the Month Congratulations to De’Ja Harrington on being selected as the CPS student of the month for February. The character trait for February has been friendship.
Victoria Lowery Selected as Teacher of the Year Second grade teacher Victoria Lowery has been named the Cheraw Primary School 2018-2019 Teacher of the Year. She works hard to meet the academic needs of her students in the classroom as well as organizes school events within the community. Congratulations, Mrs. Lowery!
Child Development and Kindergarten Registration Do you or someone you know have a child that will be 4 or 5 by September 1st? If so, Chesterfield County Schools will have a registration day on March 1st for 4 year-old kindergarten (Child Development) and 5K (Kindergarten). Registration forms are attached in both English and Spanish to help you get a jump start.